Conference Center

Excursion to Lich July 21

Wunderdoktor July 21, Schiffenberg
Salomon und Markolf July 21, Schiffenberg

Marburg July 22

Braunfels Castle, July 23
The Life and Death of Saint Herring, July 23
Backstage, July 23
Hans Sachs: Der fahrend Student, July 23
Cast of Mankind, July 23

Mankind  July 24

Papers presented

(in progress)
Site map

(Société Internationale
pour l’Étude du Théâtre
Pictures from the 18th Triennial Colloquium
Gieβen, Germany, 18th-24th July 2010
Société Internationale pour l’Étude du Théâtre Médiéval, SITM
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