Auditory Agnosia
Learning to Speak
Personal Interest
The Bohr Effect
Blood flow in the brain
Vigilance center
Aerobic metabolism
Metabolism in the brain
Cardiac arrest
Asphyxia/ suffocation

Alcohol toxicity
Pyrithiamine poison
Thiamine deficiency

Other poisons
Auditory agnosia
Time-table of myelination
Trophic growth factors
Vigilance center of the brain?

Measures of Aerobic Metabolism
(Deoxyglucose Uptake)
Blood Flow in the Brain

December 2005                                                                                                                                                                              <<<< 10 >>>>
1.  Landau WM, Freygang WH, Rowland LP,
Sokoloff L, Kety SS (1955) The local circulation of
the living brain; values in the unanesthetized and
anesthetized cat. Transactions of the American
Neurological Association 80:125-129.
2.  Kety SS (1962) Regional neurochemistry and
its application to brain function. In French, JD,
ed, Frontiers in Brain Research. New York:
Columbia University Press, pp 97-120.
3.  Reivich M, Jehle J, Sokoloff L, Kety SS (1969)
Measurement of regional cerebral blood flow
with antipyrine-14C in awake cats. Journal Of
Applied Physiology 27:296-300.
4.  Sakurada O, Kennedy C, Jehle J, Brown JD,
Carbin GL, Sokoloff L (1978) Measurement of
local cerebral blood flow with
iodo-14-C-antipyrine. American Journal of
Physiology, 234, H59-H66.
5. Fisch L (1970) The selective and differential
vulnerability of the auditory system. In GEW
Wolstenholm and J Knight, (Eds), Sensorineural
Hearing Loss: A Ciba Foundation Symposium (pp
101-116). London: Churchill.
6.  Sokoloff L, Reivich M, Kennedy C, Des Rosiers
MH, Patlak CS, Pettigrew KD, Sakurada O,
Shinohara M (1977) The [14C]deoxyglucose
method for the measurement of local cerebral
glucose utilization: theory, procedure, and normal
values in the conscious and anesthetized albino
rat. Journal of Neurochemistry 28:897-916.
Note:  The blood flow investigations published
in 1969 and 1978 (by the same group headed by
Seymour Kety and Louis Sokoloff) were done
using a tracer labeled with carbon-14.  The
original tracer was labeled with an isotope of
7.  Reivich M, Kuhl D, Wolf A, Greenberg J, Phelps
M, Ido T, Casella V, Fowler J, Gallagher B, Hoffman
E, Alavi A, Sokoloff L (1977) Measurement of local
cerebral glucose metabolism in man with
18F-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose. Acta Neurologica
Scandinavica. Supplementum 64:190-1
Note: Deoxyglucose is not an inert tracer.  It is
transported into neurons and enters into the first
step of glucose metabolism.  Deoxyglucose thus
reveals active metabolism rather than just
circulatory rate.