Glucose uptake, capillary density, glucose transport, cytochrome oxidase:
Correlates of high deoxyglucose uptake
8. Gross PM, Sposito NM, Pettersen SE, Panton
DG, Fenstermacher JD. Topography of capillary
density, glucose metabolism, and microvascular
function within the rat inferior colliculus. J Cereb
Blood Flow Metab. 1987 Apr;7(2):154-60.
9. Rahner-Welsch S, Vogel J, Kuschinsky, W
(1995) Regional congruence and divergence of
glucose transporters (GLUT1) and capillaries in
rat brains. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and
Metabolism 15:681-686.
Note: The above papers determined that capillary
density and glucose transport proteins are higher in
the inferior colliculus. The following papers by
Hovda et al (1992) and Gonzalez-Lima et al (1997)
report higher cytochrome oxidase activity in the
inferior colliculus. Cytochrome oxidase activity is
diminished in brains of people who developed
Alzheimer's dementia.
10. Chugani HT, Hovda DA, Villablanca JR,
Phelps ME, Xu, W-F (1991) Metabolic maturation
of the brain: a study of local cerebral glucose
utilization in the developing cat. Journal of
Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 11:35-47.
11. Hovda DA, Chugani HT, Villablanca JR,
Badie B, Sutton RL (1992) Maturation of cerebral
oxidative metabolism in the cat: a cytochrome
oxidase histochemistry study. Journal of Cerebral
Blood Flow and Metabolism 12:1039-1048.
12. Gonzalez-Lima F, Valla J, Matos-Collazo S
(1997) Quantitative cytochemistry of cytochrome
oxidase and cellular morphometry of the human
inferior colliculus in control and Alzheimer's
patients. Brain Research 752:117-126.