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Auditory Agnosia
Learning to Speak
Personal Interest
The Bohr Effect

Blood flow in the brain
Vigilance center
Aerobic metabolism
Metabolism in the brain
Cardiac arrest
Asphyxia/ suffocation
Alcohol toxicity
Pyrithiamine poison
Thiamine deficiency
Other poisons
Auditory agnosia
Time-table of myelination
Trophic growth factors

Research Proposal
Original (May 2005)
Working version
In December 2004, I responded to an article describing auditory agnosia in a 14-year-old
boy that developed with growth of a germinoma into the midbrain tectum.  My letter with a
response from the authors was posted on-line in March at
http://www.neurology.org/cgi/eletters/63/12/2387.  In July it was published in Neurology,
2005 Jul 26;65(2):339

Meanwhile, because I do believe this is so important, and I wanted the opportunity to
engage in research and/or discussion on this issue, I enrolled in a course at Harvard
Extension School in Cognitive Neuroscience taught by
Professor Yuhong Jiang.  One of
the course requirements was to write a research proposal, and to create a PowerPoint
presentation of the proposal.  I am most grateful to Professor Jiang, and fellow students in
the class, for their helpful suggestions.

I have posted here both my original proposal, and an ongoing working proposal.  I am
hopeful of finding someone with fMRI expertise who would be interested in trying to look for
activity in the inferior colliculi in response to auditory and verbal stimuli, both in control
subjects and children and adults with developmental language disorders

. Original Proposal (May2005)

2. Current working version (in search of suggestions and collaborators)
January 2006